Article #1
"How To Live In This World"
This whole world is not composed of only good peoples, If you want to live happily then you must learn about the behaviour of person and skills to judge the people good or bad.You must maintain your goodness like a flame maintain it's glowing in a storm, It fluctuates with the storm to keep himself glowing but doesn't blow off by air easily.In this environment with bad peoples you have to maintain the same equation.Escape is not the solution, If you are thinking that isolation from the environment and escape is the solution then you are totally wrong, You are on earth and on every place of earth good and bad both peoples are present. Where you will escape? Out of the earth.Develop strong willpower it will keep you on your path, Anyone can't deviate you from your aim easily.This is also an art of living. You must learn it from your own experience.If god exists then devil also exists.
Hindi Version
(हिंदी अनुवाद )
इस संसार में केवल भले लोगों का वास नहीं बल्कि बुरे लोगों का भी वास है | यदि आप खुश रहना चाहते हैं तो आपको मानवीय व्यवहार को पढ़ना पड़ेगा अच्छे बुरे की पहचान कौन व्यक्ति अच्छा है आप के लिए ये कौशल आपको अपने अंदर विकसित करना होगा क्योंकि ये सारी बातें आप न तो पढ़ के सीख सकते हैं न किसी के बताने से, आप का खुद का अनुभव और विश्लेषण ही ये सारी बातें आपको सिखा सकता है|
आप अपने अंदर की अच्छाई को इस समाज में उसी प्रकार संभाल कर रखें जिस प्रकार दिए की लौ आंधी में हिलती तो है लेकिन बुझती नहीं है आप भी अपने अंदर की अच्छाई को उसी प्रकार संभाल कर रखे|
दृण संकल्प विकसित करें ये आपको आपके लक्ष्य पर कायम रखेगा और आपको भटकने से बचाएगा |
किसी भी समस्या का समाधान उससे भागना नहीं होता आप कभी कभी जब निराश होते हैं तो समाज से अलग रहने की कोशिश करते हैं ये सरासर गलत है| आप कब तक और कहाँ तक भागोगे इस पूरे पृथ्वी पर अच्छे और बुरे लोग है कहा भाग जाओगे ? पृथ्वी के बाहर अंतरिक्ष में
यदि भगवान है तो दैत्य भी है |
जीवन जीना भी एक कला है आनंद के साथ जीवन जिये और चिंता मुक्त रहे,कसी से तुलना न करें|
इस दुनिया में कोई बचपन से विशेष नहीं होता उसका कार्य उसे महानता के उच्चतम सिखर पर विराजमान कराता है |
चाहे बिल गेट्स हो या श्री कलाम संघर्ष और क्षेत्र अलग है लेकिन हर सफलता की कहानी में एक ऐसा पहलु है जो हर कहानी में हैं वो है कठिन परिश्रम ,इसका कोई दूसरा रास्ता नहीं , आप कर्म पे भरोसा करें|
श्री कलाम ,अमिताभ बच्चन सभी को शुरुवाती दौर में असफलता का सामना करना पड़ा लेकिन ये लोगों ने अपना कर्म नहीं छोड़ा और आज ये लोग मिशाल बन चुके हैं |
जीवन में प्रेरित होते रहे |
श्री कलाम ,अमिताभ बच्चन सभी को शुरुवाती दौर में असफलता का सामना करना पड़ा लेकिन ये लोगों ने अपना कर्म नहीं छोड़ा और आज ये लोग मिशाल बन चुके हैं |
जीवन में प्रेरित होते रहे |
जय हिन्द ! जय भारत !
Today we confidently say that we are developed. But in this rushing world we have missed a lot.In this development many fathers & mothers are staying outside home why?You have earned a lot of money and respect but you didn't care about others, Then your money,pride,honour is meaningless.Have you ever think that in your studies or caring, Your brother and sister who didn't get proper caring and good education due to financial problems, It's only because of you.You became a successful man you have earned a lot of money & respect, But if you are unable to do anything for your family,Your success is incomprehensible.
You are successful, Due to sacrifice of your brother,sister,father & mother.I think that we don't need such type of development in which we loose our moral values.If you don't have satisfaction, You will have hunger to get more and more.Try to learn satisfaction because in life you will never feel happy if you don't have satisfaction.It doesn't mean that you don't think higher,Think absolutely it is necessary but keep everything in mind and maintain your life's equilibrium.Live for others so that people remember you.A good package is less necessary than to be a good person.Think about the every aspects of your life, Your parents and family struggle for you.When you are building your career your parent always take care of you always think about you either at work or at sleep.Why we forget them?If this is development then we are good without development.
Article #3
"The Looser"
Some time disappointment comes in anyone's life, After that the person want to live alone apart from the world but this is quite wrong.If someone told you that you can't do that, People became depressed and they start believing that they can't do that really, They are not struck by the statement of the person they are struck by their own mind setup.The Person said but your internal soul has accepted that means you are not defeated by the person you are defeated by yourself.That's why people says Winner And Looser both are inside us it depend on our thinking that what we think.If you have a strong Will Power and Determination no body in this world can deviate you from your destination
If you feel strucked at any moment just go and observe the activities around you, You will find the solution of problem from the happenings around you.Keep calm and observe the nature you will get internal energy and confidence from nature and god.